5 Signs You Have a Low 'Stomach Acid'
5 Signs You Have a Low 'Stomach Acid'

Low stomach acid is a digestive disorder in which there is a low level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

5 Signs of low stomach acid:

Difficulty in digesting meat

If you feel poorly when you eat meat, low stomach acid may be to blame. Many people take nausea or sluggishness after eating meat can indicate a problem digesting it.

Acid reflux or heartburn

Acid reflux or heartburn seem to be related to overproduction of acid, but are actually caused by acid escaping from the stomach into the soft sensitive tissues of the esophagus. This condition results from pressure in the stomach due to low stomach acid.


Bloating or heaviness after eating are clear indicators that the digestive process is not happening as it should.

Food sensitivities

Food sensitivities are associated with low stomach acid production. The best way to tell if you have a sensitivity to a particular food is to eliminate it for a period of time and monitor your symptoms.

Undigested food in your stools

Low stomach acidity affects the digestion of everything you eat – not just proteins. If you don’t secrete enough pancreatic enzymes, you won’t finish breaking down your food and will see undigested food in your stool.

How to fix low stomach acid:

Ingest apple cider vinegar. The number one thing you can do to start to balance this ph in your stomach is use apple cider vinegar right before your meals.

Take digestive enzymes.

Add HCL with pespsin to your diet.

Eat Manuka honey.

Chew your food thoroughly and eat smaller meals.

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