5 Unknown facts about the Jagannath Yatra
5 Unknown facts about the Jagannath Yatra

No matter how much the technology advances, there are always incidents that remain unexplained. The Jagannath Yatra is one of those ceremonies which hold behind events that you would be surprised to know. Well, some of these styill remain undefined by science.

1. Jagannath Yatra never misses out on rainfall:

Since the commencement of the rituals that include the procession called the Jagannath Yatra, there has never been a time, when it did not rain during the procession. There have been times that the land of Puri did not recieve rainfall, for an entire month before the Yatra and on the day of Jagannath Yatra, it rained heavily.

2. The Wooden Chariots:

A fact behind the chariots, says that people volunteer out of their own will to indulge in the Chariot making and not even a single metal nail is used in making the Chariot, rather wooden pegs are used.

3. Even our god has to be flattered:

The People who pull the Chariot asserted that the Chariots becoime immovable on approaching the Lord's aunt's house. Jagannath has to convinced and only then does the Rath move.

4. Source of Wood:

A lot of wood is used in the manufacture of the Chariots. Hence, more then twice the amount of trees are planted in the forests, from where the woods are taken. The woods are taken from the forests of Dashpalla and Ranapur.

5. Naming of the Articles used:

Not just the Chariots, also the flags placed on their tops and also the ropes used to pull the chariots, are also named.

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