5 ways to get rid of tired and baggy eyes
5 ways to get rid of tired and baggy eyes

Our body speaks through our eyes.

The lives we lead, the food we eat, the air we breathe, everything contributes to the appearance of your eyes. Every stress that your body recieves, is communicated to the world via the eyes. The stress could be due to lack of sleep, reduced consumption of water or even due to work pressure. Well, you cannot run away from everything in life, but can surely put a little effort to maintain the beauty of your eyes. 


1. Try changing your posture of sleeping:

If you wake up daily with those puffy, swollen eyes, you must try to sleep with your back resting on the bed and you head elevatede from the normal body level. You may use a pillow for that purpose.


2. Blink frequently:

After you wake up from a deep sleep, blink continuosly for about 30 seconds, to enhance circulation in  the eyes and also to dissipate the liquid.


3. Drink lots of water:

Your body should remain hydrated if you intend to cherish the natural beauty. Dring atleast 7 litres of water in a day.


4. Avoid salt and alcohol consumption:

According to studies made, in a healthy diet, salt intake must be limited to 2000 mg per day. Alcohol also effects our eyes badly. Hence alcohol consumption must be avoided as much as possible.


5. Tea bags aid to tighten the skin:

Reports suggest that when caffiene is applied to the surface of your skin, it works to tighten the skin. Hence wet tea bags, placed under your eyes can help to get rid of wrinkles.

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