Amazing: 5-year-old girl sets unique record, will be shocked to hear
Amazing: 5-year-old girl sets unique record, will be shocked to hear

Remembering Sanskrit verses is a very difficult task. However, pandits who perform pooja themselves have to work hard to learn the correct pronunciation of these shlokas. Now today we are going to introduce you to a 5-year-old girl from Pune, Maharashtra, who has set a unique record in remembering and reading shlokas. The girl's name is now said to have been recorded in the India Book of Records. Now everyone seems to be praising this little girl. The girl from Pune is 5 years old and the girl's name is Mahika.

Mahika has registered her name in the India Book of Records. Tell all of you that Mahika has set a record of reciting 30 verses within 5 minutes. Mahika's mother Sarika says, 'When my daughter tried to read the shlokas of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita every morning, I came to know about the girl's interest. Then I helped Mahika remember the shlokas and inspired her to participate in different competitions. I had recorded a video of Mahika reading the verse shloka and then she won the India Book of Records title. Despite being small, Mahika pronounces Sanskrit shlokas perfectly.''

The girl's mother also said that in her house is worship takes place every morning and shlokas are presented in it. As a result, her daughter Mahika also learned to read the shloka. On the other hand, Shrutika, principal of Mahika's school, says, "I congratulate Mahika very much for this big victory. Mahika studies in our school, it is a matter of pride for us.''

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