6 precautions to guide you when to get waxed
6 precautions to guide you when to get waxed

Waxing is now a days has become a common beauty feature in girls, but there are times when we get confused on when and which sort of precaution we should take while doing waxing. So let’s see when to be cautious and when not to get waxed:

When to Be Cautious 

  • When you are pregnant, taking birth control pills, hormone replacement or antibiotics leading your skin sensitive.
  • Smokers or those with blackheads. Waxing can irritate weak or broken blood vessels. 
  • You take blood thinners, have diabetes, phlebitis or want post-cancer hair growth in side-burn area removed. These all relate to medical conditions, so first get your doctor's approval first. 
  • You use powerful exfoliate on your skin could make skin red, bleed or even turn scabby. It's recommended to stop using these products in the area getting waxed for at least three days before, and three to four days after the hair has been removed.
  • Stimulants in caffeine or alcohol in your system can cause skin to be extra sensitive to waxing, leaving skin more red or inflamed than usual.
  • Real or fake sun exposed may cause your sun burns and it can cause you skin problems.

When Not to Get Waxed

These are often called waxing conflicts, when it could be harmful for you to wax.

  • You currently take medicines for your acne problem, or have stopped taking it less than a year ago.
  • You have AIDS or other relative disease.
  • You're getting chemotherapy or radiation due to cancer.

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