6 Ways to make your fragrance last longer
6 Ways to make your fragrance last longer

Love to fragrance up? but worried about its vanishing problem in few minutes, so we have the solution for you. Here are 6 ways to make your scent long lasting and smell awesome all day.

Store your fragrance in the right place

To smell good, nowadays you spend loads of money. But unfortunately, your expensive fragrance doesn't last long. So for that make sure to keep your bottle in the right place. Store them away from light as this can affect your perfume's quality.


Apply after shower

Apply fragrance right after the shower. This will help to make the fragrance last longer, as the skin's moisture will absorb the scent better.


Apply on the hair too

Many people say that using your perfume on your hair can harm your hair quality but it is not correct. Apart, the usage of deodorants harms your hair, but make sure you are not using any alcohol based perfume. It will affect both your skin and your hairs. Look for specific fragrances designed for hair or just spray your daily perfume and brush your hair.


Try the lotion hack

Application of any non-scented lotion on the places you apply your perfume can also help your fragrance to last long. moisturised skin hold the scents better than any dry skin.


Don't rub your wrists

It is a common tendency that whenever we put any perfume on our wrists we rub them to spread the smell but apart from spending, it actually breaks the scent and helps it to fade away.


Apply at the right points

Target the right pulse points while using
*On your wrist
*On your neck
*Behind your knees
*Inside your elbows


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