8 Things I’ve never told you mom, But which I’d like to
8 Things I’ve never told you mom, But which I’d like to

We all share quiet love-hate bound with our moms right? Most of the conflict was in trying to relate to each other, to built the generation gap mom and daughter. And today I would like to share that why I finally ended up fighting with her, ignoring things she did for me and my siblings, even though we felt offensive about it later. It is only with time I've realized her importance and feel like thanking/ apologizing to her for all the stupid things I have done so far. So, as it starts with. 

"Yes, mom you  were right!"

I know I get annoyed sometimes when you scold me for almost everything that I do. But, you have to understand that many times  I'm wrong and you're right. It's only that sometimes the light in my brain flickers on too late.

"I'm proud of you" Mom! I am really proud of you 

You always say others how proud you are of me, but very I say this about you. that I'm extremely proud of you and how you've brought us all up. 

"Thanks for being my confidante"

I know so several women at the house chilled in kitty parties to discuss their children's lives. Thanks for not doing that to me and keeping my secrets locked in your heart.

"Sorry for lying to about EVERYTHING! 

From every study sessions (which were actually dates) to staying late at friends housework, I've lied to you a LOT. Please forgive me...

"I forgive you"

 I forgive you for all the times you put me in a spot at weddings and other family get-togethers. After doing this myself, a couple of times, I know you didn't always do it deliberately.

"Sorry, I didn't say all this before "

You know how slow I am in understanding things. Also, it's impossible to summarise all that you've done for me in such a short note. I love you!

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