Blackcurrant Sheer Khurma: A unique twist to your meal
Blackcurrant Sheer Khurma: A unique twist to your meal

The sheer khurma is the perfect end to a celebratory meal. It helps you to give a unique twist to your meal. Festival is the best time to cook this dish to make your guests satisfied and happy.

Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Total Cook Time: 40 Minutes

Ingredients Of Blackcurrant Sheer Khurma
2 Tbsp of butter
1/4 cup of vermicelli (
1/2 cup of sugar
3 cups of milk
2 Tbsp of raisins (
2 Tbsp of dates (
tsp of chirongi nuts (charoli)
1/2 tsp cardamom (
elaichi) powder
2 Tbsp of rose water
1/4 cup blackcurrant
A pinch of cardamom powder


How to Make Blackcurrant Sheer Khurma
1. Heat the butter in a deep pan, add the vermicelli and cook till it turns golden brown.
2. Add the sugar and milk and cook until the sugar dissolves.
3. Add the dry fruits and raisins, mix well and allow it to simmer for 3 to 4 minutes.
4. Add the fresh dates,
charoli, cardamom powder and rose water and simmer for another 1 to 2 minutes. If the sheer korma is too thick, add a little hot water and mix gently.
5. Remove from the flame and serve hot or cold garnished with cardamom powder.
6. Add blackcurrant and mix it well.

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