Delhi has 5 times more black carbon pollution than America and Europe
Delhi has 5 times more black carbon pollution than America and Europe
People traveling by car in the national capital, Delhi, are producing black carbon by up to five times as much as Europeans and Americans. This has been revealed in a recent research conducted in London. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution can be attributed to 88 percent of cases of premature death in Asia and low-income countries. 
Research has said that the number of vehicles in Beijing in 2000 was 1.5 million, which increased by more than 5 million in 2014. In Delhi, the number of vehicles in 2010 was 47 lakh, which is estimated to reach 2 crores 56 lakh in 2030. According to research published in 'Atmospheric Environment', researchers studied the level of concentration in the Asian Transportation Medium (walking, car driving, motorcycle and travel by bus) and the risk of pollution.
It was found that people walking on the crowded roads in Asian countries are in the grip of 1.6 times smaller particles compared to those of Europe and American countries. There is nine times more pollution than in Europe and America driving cars in Asia. The city is in danger of heavy pollution and it has to be taken care of otherwise it would result in huge damages of life and environment.
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