Female Genital Mutilation: a practice getting followed blindly, having lot of problems-no benefits
Female Genital Mutilation: a practice getting followed blindly, having lot of problems-no benefits

In a very significant for women of Somalia, the attorney general on Friday declared their first-ever prosecution in the history of Somalia for Female Genital Mutilation case as a 10-year-old girl bled to death. The country observed the highest rate of FGM case where 98% of all women and girls undergo the inhumane practice.

FGM has been practiced for a long time in Africa, Asia and the Middle East and its common process in the regions but there are few who must be unknown to the ritual that is highly followed blindly. Also known as female genital cutting and female circumcision is a ritual is the ritual cutting or removal of some or all of the external female genitalia of the girls who are in the days after birth to puberty and beyond even it is observed that most of the girls faced the dreadful process before the age of five.

The procedure in the brutal practice is different from region to region or society to society. Removal of the clitoral hood and clitoral glans; removal of the inner labia; and removal of the inner, outer labia and closure of the vulva and infibulation where only a small hollow is left and another part is stitched. Mainly a sharpened Blade is used for all such procedures.

The reasons that are stated for the practice are attempts to control women's sexuality, and ideas about purity, modesty, and beauty. The mothers who are afraid of the social exclusion of their girls see it as a source of honor.

The notifying point here is that procedure doesn’t have any of the advantages, adversely it causes a lot to the victim. The health issues that are faced by the girls are:

  • recurrent infections
  • difficulty urinating and passing menstrual flow 
  • chronic pain 
  • the development of cysts 
  • an inability to get pregnant
  • complications during childbirth
  • and fatal bleeding

The effects depend on the procedure that is getting followed.

Any religious community also never ever have supported the process and it is said that FGM has no background in any of religion.

The international authorities regularly interfere in the matter and even it has been outlawed or restricted in most of the countries in which it occurs, although the laws are poorly enforced.

What is necessary here is the awareness that should be there in the practitioner and society as the international bodies’ efforts alone can’t fulfill the motives to stop such ridiculous practices.

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