How to take care of car's battery?
How to take care of car's battery?

The car's battery should always care properly, it does not understand which types to adopt and the battery of the car lasted longer. The battery is a regular requirement of the car, and it is also necessary to take care of it. Today we will tell you how to take care of the battery and how to save it. 

1. Once a week, you must clean the stored acid near the battery terminal and moisture on it should not be allowed.

2. At the same time, the water level of the battery should be checked daily, always use the distilled water in the battery. 

3. Due to the use of ordinary water or acid, the battery is damaged and the battery plates can also be defective. 

4. Take good care of the car's engine because the battery of the car gets hit by the engine and the battery quickly gets spoiled.

5. Driving too rashly also has a bad effect on the car's battery. So do not drive too fast. 

6. Also, if you are not driving the car, do not keep the car's headlight on and don't press horn repeatedly. Because of this, the battery of the car gets spoiled very soon.

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