Know about The Biggest Snakes of World
Know about The Biggest Snakes of World

It is a well-known fact that snakes are limbless, highly elastic and quite large. Around 2895 species of this reptile have been identified, out of which around 405 are said to be poisonous.

some of the largest snakes that have been identified across the globe:

Titanoboa snake, which is around 43ft long.This snake is said to have lived in the tropical forest situated in Columbia around 60 million years ago.

Bushmaster viper, with a length of up to 14ft, this snake is also poisonous. It resides in the forests and bushes from the region of Costa Rica to the Amazon basin.

African rock python, the average length of this reptile is around 12ft if it is an adult. It resides in Africa. Burmese python, with average length of an adult snake of this species is around 14ft, but snakes as long as 24ft also exists.

The biggest one is ‘green anaconda’, resides in the swamps of Latin America, the normal length of this snake is around 16 to 18ft. The longest snake of this species that has existed measures around 28ft, while the heaviest has a weight of around 545 lbs. 

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