Men end up marrying more educated girls than them nowadays
Men end up marrying more educated girls than them nowadays

A new study states that in the recent decades, the number of women getting higher education has increased, with men increasing their chances of marrying more educated women.

What does the Expert say: Changhwan Kim, associate professor of the University of Kansas, USA, said that the timing of marriage and its economic consequences have changed. Kim, the chief researcher of public studies in the journal 'Demography', said that the possibility of women marrying less educated men than themselves has increased.

How did the research: Researchers reviewed the changes in financial benefits from education in the age group of 35 to 44 years using data from 1990 to 2000 US census and 2009-2011 American Community Survey figures. They tested the benefits of education not only in the labor markets but also in the marriage market. Between 1990 and 2009-2011, the personal income of women grew faster than men because women increased their education and gained more financial benefits of education. Although the number of highly educated women in the marriage market is more than that of men, women are more likely to get married than themselves with less educated males.

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