The first full human head transplant in 2017
The first full human head transplant in 2017

 The first full human head transplant in 2017 and a Italian doctor claimed he already has a volunteer and says his team have the ability to perform the complicated procedure thanks to technological advances. But experts have demistify his claims and insist that the operation is still many years from reality- Dr Sergio Canavero says.

Russian-born Valery Sprinidov, who suffers from Werdnig-Hoffmann disease that causes weaken of the muscles, has reportedly gave his content to be the first patient to experience the procedure.

He’d be able to do a human head transplant in a two-part procedure he designate HEAVEN (head anastomosis venture) and Gemini (the subsequent spinal cord fusion). But many release Canavero’s plans as fantasy.- According to The Independent, Canavero, now 51

Canavero added the operation will be a 36-hour, $20 million (£14 milion) procedure involving at least 150 people, including doctors, nurses, technicians, psychologists and virtual reality engineers.

Surgeons will quickly sew the arteries and veins of Spiridonov’s head to those of his new body. The donor’s blood flow will then, in theory, re-warm Spiridonov’s head to normal temperatures within minutes.

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