Women should take care of these things while breastfeeding
Women should take care of these things while breastfeeding

During pregnancy, women have to take very much care of catering, the time of pregnancy is very fragile. At this time women are advised to take special care of themselves. Apart from this, women should also take care of themselves during breastfeeding. When the baby starts giving normal food, it depends only on the mother's milk.

The child gets nourishment from the mother. Therefore, there should be no smoking during breastfeeding. If your partner or someone in the house does smoke then explain to him, this also has a bad effect on the child. During breastfeeding, medicines should be taken carefully. Take the advice of the doctor then take any medicine.

Be careful with the lotion and cream applied on the skin. This can have a bad effect on the child. Deodorant should not be used during breastfeeding.

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