World Heart day 2018: 5 habits which make your heart healthy and fit
World Heart day 2018: 5 habits which make your heart healthy and fit

Heart is a vital organ of our body on which our life depends. The heart is a pump, which moves the blood. Heart receives deoxygenated blood from all over the body and delivers the oxygenated to the blood. We all know that there are various things which affect our heart which results in our ill-effect therefore it is very important for us to focus on the heart’s health. On the occasion of World Heart Day, we bring you the few habits which you should adopt for the good health of heart.

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1. Excercise

Exercise and physical activity are about the closest things you have to magic bullets against heart disease and other chronic conditions.

2. Healthy food healthy heart

Add fruits and vegetables, whole grains, unsaturated fat, good protein (from beans, nuts, fish, and poultry), and herbs and spices to your diet. Avoid processed foods, salt, rapidly digested carbohydrates, red meat, and soda or other sugar-sweetened beverages.

3. Avoid tobacco and alcohol

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Alcohol and tobacco affect adversely to the heart so you must avoid it.

4. Drink Drink Drink

Water, coffee and green tea protect us from the heart diseases but should be consumed in limited quantity.

5. Avoid stress

Stress is main enemy of the heart, therefore one should avoid the thing which causes stress. Music, reading novel, watching movie, spending quality time are the good stress buster which you can adopt to avoid stress. 

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