World day against child labor 2018 : Need for a change!
World day against child labor 2018  : Need for a change!

On June 12 every year, the world celebrates  World Day Against Child Labour 
The day is celebrated to create awareness on the issue and raise some concern. This is a global issue. Although the day is not marked as a public holiday.

Many children are forced to work as labourers in many parts of the world. Childhood is a gift and it should not be given up like this. Children should be spending their childhood studying, playing and enjoying the life that they have. 
Most of the superpower countries try to find labour in countries where the working cost is less to make a profit for their firm. Places like these are targetted and children are exploited. 
These children usually hail from poor families or orphans. 
 There were an estimated 215 million child labourers in the world in the year 2011 among which  - 115 million were involved in life hazardous work. 
This is a major problem. The children die at a very young age because they work in mines and places that harm their health, eventually, they become ill and cannot meet the expenses of the cure. 
There should be strict rules made for compulsory studies for young children and also strict action should be taken against people who hire children to lower the expense and get the work done. 



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