According to the latest reports, Raksha Shakti University (RSU) has advised a chapter on cybersecurity in textbooks for the class of 9 and 11 so that teenagers can also understand cyber threats such as stalking and bullying.
The RSU director, additional DGP Vikas Sahay, also paid concern towards children, he said that “We want the teenagers to understand the security aspect of the cyber world. About two months back, we had started an initiative to educate the teenagers about the dos and the don’ts of the cyber world,” said Sahay.
Sahay said that the chapter will be included either in social studies or science textbooks. “Many teenagers use cyberspace but they don’t know about malware and how it can harm their devices. We often get emails and social media messages with links. Clicking on these links could make your private data vulnerable,” he said.
RSU is also preparing for presentations in different schools on cybersecurity to educate students. “The presentations will start from next Tuesday and will continue till most of the city schools are covered,” said Sahay.