As we say we are turning modern but we have to look it, in which way? By wearing branded clothes or just discussing controversial news on social media? Lets talk about Transgender, what do you think where you give them a stand in your life?
They are one of those groups of society with whom everyone wants keep distance, they are not considered as normal people even in our modern world.
A Kochi-based label name Red Lotus, featured transgender women in their latest sari collection ‘Mazhavi’.
Founder of Red Lotus Sharmila Nair Says, “I was thinking about how I was going to showcase this collection of hand loom saris and I saw a Facebook post about the state government’s new policy to better the lives of transgender people. I thought since the government was doing so much for the LGBT people, I should also do something”. Last year, gifted them equality seen by all trans genders in Kerala, policy was launched, giving them social and economic equality as all other genders.
Maya Menon and Gowri Savithri two transgender when approached for the shoot, bummed out Nair insaying the brand would suffer if two transgender models were to model for it.
Both Menon and Savithri had no modelling history. Although, it was a big shock when they got news that it actually helped brand in a business boom and also clients asked for clothes that were specifically used by the models as they believe clothes worn by transgenders are auspicious.
At 29, Menon and Savithri, college graduates were still unemployed. Nothing else, Just paying society for being transgender not by choice! Nair says,
Maya Menon says “I have never had open conversations even with my own family about this. Not many of my friends are aware that I am a transgender. But this shoot has given me the confidence to admit that I am one,” she smiles, “That’s me in the photograph…I will proudly admit it from now on.”
Gowri, works as a blog writer says, “I am of the opinion that we should not be referred to as transgender or third gender. We can be called special man or social woman, or something to that effect.” Her favourite colour is pink, and she loves wearing saris.