Diabetes Patients are more at risk of corona, says report
Diabetes Patients are more at risk of corona, says report

London: For a person infected with the coronavirus, fighting the virus is a big battle, but if the person is already suffering from other diseases then the battle of corona proves to be very difficult. According to a study, one in 10 corona patients admitted to the hospital who also have diabetes, can die within seven days. And 1 in 5 patients may need a tube and ventilator.

Researchers at Nantes University in France analyzed data on 1,317 coronavirus patients admitted to 53 French hospitals between 10 and 31 March 2020. He said that most of these patients, ie about 90 percent people had type 2 diabetes, while only 3 percent had type 3 diabetes, and in the other cases had other types of diabetes. According to this research published in the journal Diabetologia, two-thirds of the coronavirus patients with diabetes were male and all had an average age of 70 years.

Researchers have found in their research that poor blood sugar control did not directly affect a patient's outcome, but diabetes complications and old age increased the risk of death. They stated that an increased body mass index-BMI (the weight of a person by length) is associated with both the need for mechanical weighting in the patient and the risk of death.

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