A Teaspoon of COVID-19 virus has infected 55 million people
A Teaspoon of COVID-19 virus has infected 55 million people

The Global report says the COVID-19 infection has affected over 55 million people and killed 1.3 million worldwide since the pandemic struck in March. You will be dumbstruck if you know the total volume of coronavirus that has wreaked so much havoc in the world. 

It’s a minuscule 8 ml, or 0.2 fluid ounces of the virus that has infected so many human lives around the world. In other words, it amounts to a little more than a teaspoon, reported a news agency. A standard teaspoon holds 6 ml of liquid. An Australian mathematician Matt Parker has come up with the astounding figure by making several assumptions.At the high end of his estimates, professor added that all the COVID-19 virus on the planet would fit inside a shot glass. “All the chaos in the world is down to a teaspoon’s worth of trouble,” he said.  “A virus particle is very small, it’s just the code to wreck other cells.” 

Professor used the figure, 300,000 new cases per day worldwide and made an assumption that each one was infected for 14 days, then he calculated the number of people currently carrying the virus. Upon multiplying, he estimated there are 3.3 million billion Covid-19 cells among the human population. The size of the virus was given as comparable to the wavelength of light will collectively take up very little space. Its total volume is a minuscule 8ml, or 0.2 fluid ounces. 

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