What is today's Almanac, find out here
What is today's Almanac, find out here

In today's time, people see the Almanac and start their day. Today, we have brought today's Calendar of 21st November.

Almanac of November 21- Kartik 30, Saka Samvat 1943 Margasirsha Krishna II Sunday, Vikram Samvat 2078. Solar Route Head Mass Entries 06, Ravi - Ulsani 15, Hijri 1443 (Muslim) Accordingly English date 21st November 2021 AD.

Surya Dakshinayan, South Goal, Hemant Ritu. Rahuperiod from 4.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. 2nd date: Start of 3rd date after 07.48 pm. Rohini Nakshatra Begins after 07.36 am. Siddha Yoga Begins the next day till 05.49 a.m.

Start of commercialization after 07.48 p.m. The moon will communicate on Gemini after Taurus till 9.10 pm.

Sunrise 21 November 2021: 6.48 am.

Sunset time 21st November 2021: 5.25 pm.

Today's Auspicious Muhurat 21st November 2021: Abhijeet Muhurat from 11.46 pm to 12.28 pm. Vijay Muhurat will be from 1.53 pm to 2.35 pm. Nishith period midnight from 11.40 p.m. to 12.34 p.m. Twilight Bella from 5.15 p.m. to 5.39 p.m. Amrit period from 12.47 p.m. to 2.36 p.m. after midnight. Bipushkar Yoga from 7.36 a.m. to 7.47 a.m. Brahma Muhurat from 5.10 a.m. to 5.55 a.m.

Today's Inauspicious Muhurat 21st November 2021: Rahuperiod from 7.30 am to 9 pm. There will be a Gulik period from 1.30 p.m. to 3 p.m. From 10.30 a.m. to 12 a.m., there will be a Yamangand. Durmuhurat period from 4 pm to 4.43 pm.

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