Today's Panchang: Know the auspicious timing and Rahukal
Today's Panchang: Know the auspicious timing and Rahukal

Nowadays, people get to know auspicious time and Rahukaal with reading the Panchang.  It is said that reading Panchang every morning in the morning is considered auspicious and knowledge of auspicious and inauspicious Muhurta is also obtained from the almanac. With this, the work done in the auspicious time is also good and no work should be started in Rahukaal. 

Today's Almanac-

Date - Navami again till 09:23 pm Dashami
Sun sign-lion, swamigraha-sun
Lunar sign - Sagittarius, lord-master
Shubh Muhurta - Abhijeet - Abhijeet Muhurta - 11: 54 am to 12:43 pm
Inauspicious Muhurt- Rahukaal - 9 AM to 10:30 AM

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