Adopting a healthy lifestyle, allow you to live cancer free
Adopting a healthy lifestyle, allow you to live cancer free

New Delhi: Staying away from alcohol and smoking can allow you to live a healthy life. And also it is essential to maintain the healthy body weight and that can be done by exercising regularly and eating the right diet.

According to the study, about 20-40 percent of cancer cases could potentially be prevented through modifications to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

The study said that, if people quit smoking, avoided heavy drinking, maintained a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 27.5, and got moderate weekly exercise for at least 150 minutes or vigorous exercise for at least 75 minutes, a large proportion of cancer cases and deaths can be prevented.

"These findings reinforce the predominate importance of lifestyle factors in determining cancer risk. Therefore, primary prevention should remain a priority for cancer control", as per the study.

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