Africa’s most interesting national parks!!!
Africa’s most interesting national parks!!!

Africa is the first continent with the most dense population of wildlife. It is home to many animals. The continent of Africa has the most amount of national parks.

Chobe national park

Chobe national park supports a high density and rich variety of wild animals and birds, most notably the huge elephant herds that number over 40000 individuals. Chobe Park is known for its excellent game viewing boat cruises along the Chobe River, which attracts plenty of animals and birds. Winter is the best time to go game viewing in chobe.

Kruger national park

Kruger National Park is South Africa's top safari destination and one of the world's finest game parks. Kruger is home to an unrivalled diversity of wildlife

Etosha national park

The strikingly beautiful setting of Etosha is ideal for spotting wildlife at watering holes, given the open and arid landscape. Etosha national park is home to some rare and unusual wild animals. After good rains this cracked-clay land transforms into expanses of blue-green algae, thick woodlands, and lush grasslands, attracting plenty of game and birds, including thousands of flamingos and water birds. Common wildlife sightings include rhinos, giraffes, elephants, and lions, a variety of antelopes and even cheetahs and leopards.

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