After all, what is it in the air of this village that puts people to sleep for a long time?
After all, what is it in the air of this village that puts people to sleep for a long time?

There are many places in the world where there are so many customs that we are also surprised to know. Apart from customs, there are some rules due to which they follow the rules and also run those rules for years. In the same way, today we are going to tell about a village, about which you will also be surprised to hear a special thing. You may have never heard that people slept for many months. But there is also a village where people keep sleeping. Let's know about that village.

In fact, something similar happens in Kazakhstan, the ninth largest country in the world, where people sleep for several months. There is a small village kachali in Kazakhstan. It is said that in the year 2010, there has been an incident after which it became famous. People here sleep in such a deep sleep that they do not sleep for one or two days but for several months. When the people here sleep for a long gap, there is silence in the village. Scientists and doctors have also done a lot of research on this, which has not found any basis, but it is said that due to the structure and weather of the village, people here sleep in such a deep sleep.

He says that whenever the amount of carbon monoxide in the air becomes too high, people go into deep sleep. But this effect is only on humans, it has no effect on animals. But due to this, this village is very famous and remains the center of attraction.

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