After all, why Draupadi was called Sarandhri, know the name of her five sons
After all, why Draupadi was called Sarandhri, know the name of her five sons

Let everyone know that Draupadi is called 'Draupadi' because she was the daughter of King Drupada. With this he is also called 'Panchali' and for this reason that Drupada Panchal was the king of the country. It is said that he had a name Krishna, because he was a devotee of Krishna. Right after that Draupadi was also known as Sairandhri. Let me tell you that 'Sarandhari' means the one who has rendered romance with other men than her husband. Yes, it is said that Draupadi had five sons, Draupadi had married five Pandavas, and from time to time he used to sleep with five. With this, Draupadi gave birth to a son of five Pandavas from one year's gaap and in the same way Draupadi had five sons, so today we are going to tell you the names of sons of Draupadi, who are very few Know

- The name of the son of Yudhisthira, born from Draupadi, was a Pratibimb.

- The name of the son of Bhima, born from Draupadi, was called Sutsom.

- The name of the son of Arjun, born from Draupadi,was a Shrutkarma.

- TThe name of the son of Nakul, born from Draupadi, was  Shataneek.

- The name of the son of Sehdev, born from Draupadi, was named Shrutsen.

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