Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna's name is counted among the power couple of Bollywood. Fans love Akshay and Twinkle's duo. The two tied the knot on January 17, 2001. Today, the two have been married for a full 21 years. In these 20 years, the love between the two never seems to diminish. Couples set goals for both the fans. On Akshay and Twinkle's marriage anniversary let's tell you about their love story...
Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna first met during a photoshoot of Filmfare. Akshay started loving Twinkle as soon as he saw her. During the shooting of the film International Khiladi, the two started growing close. Twinkle Khanna had revealed in an interview that she broke up in those days and wanted to get rid of that relationship. She decided that she would enjoy a few days and then she started dating Akshay Kumar.
Twinkle and Akshay realised love for each other. Twinkle then spoke to her mother Dimple Kapadia. But Dimple Kapadia had not approved the marriage. Dimple was told by a journalist friend that Akshay is gay. Then Dimple could not agree to this marriage. She made a bet to Akshay that the two may have to stay together for a year. After which Twinkle and Akshay stayed together for a year and then tied the knot in 2001.
There is an incident related to the marriage of the two and is very famous. In fact, before marriage, where the horoscope of the boy and the girl has been matched. But here the case was the opposite. Twinkle had taken out Akshay's medical history before marriage. Twinkle had decided to marry Akshay only after knowing his medical history. Akshay Kumar later came to know that Twinkle Khanna had also collected his medical history from his relatives. Not only that, but Twinkle herself had also asked Akshay Kumar a lot of questions about his health. Akshay Kumar had earlier lost consciousness over all these metiers of Twinkle. But, later he realized Twinkle was right. Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna are still leading happy life after 20 years of marriage. The two also have 2 children son Aarav and a daughter Nitara.
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