Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar's latest film, 'Sarfira', is facing a tough time at the box office. Despite generating significant buzz, the movie has failed to impress audiences and is struggling to stay afloat. According to early trends, 'Sarfira' has collected a mere Rs 1.25 crore on its seventh day, taking its total collection to Rs 18.80 crore.
The film's performance is being considered disappointing, especially given its impressive trailer and Akshay Kumar's star power. 'Sarfira' had opened with a lackluster collection of Rs 2.5 crore on its first day and has been unable to show significant growth since then. The movie's collections have been declining steadily, with Rs 4.25 crore on day two, Rs 5.25 crore on day three, Rs 1.45 crore on day four, Rs 1.95 crore on day five, and Rs 2.15 crore on day six.
Made on a budget of Rs 85 crore, 'Sarfira' is finding it challenging to recover its costs. The film's slow pace and lack of engaging content seem to be the primary reasons for its poor performance. With new releases like 'Badhaai Do' starring Vikky Kaushal and Tripti Dimri hitting theaters this Friday, 'Sarfira' might face further competition and struggle to maintain its foothold.
'Sarfira' is a Hindi remake of the Tamil hit 'Soorarai Pottru', which starred Suriya in the lead role. The film features Akshay Kumar, Radhika Madan, Paresh Rawal, and others in pivotal roles. Despite its promising premise, 'Sarfira' has failed to resonate with audiences, leaving Akshay Kumar's fans disappointed.
The actor's previous release, 'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan', also tanked at the box office, making 'Sarfira' his second consecutive flop this year. With 'Badhaai Do' poised to give stiff competition, it remains to be seen how 'Sarfira' performs in the coming days. Will it manage to recover its losses, or will it succumb to the competition? Only time will tell.
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