Alcohol made from mango leaves is beneficial for your body
Alcohol made from mango leaves is beneficial for your body

We all know that drinking alcohol is harmful to health, but if we say that this alcohol does not harm your health, you will be thinking. You'll know what alcohol is made of. But we're going to tell you what the benefits of alcohol made from mango leaves are. Yes, today we are going to tell you about an alcohol that will be beneficial for your health.

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In fact, students of the Health Centre at Jiwaji University have made alcohol from mango leaves. It will contain between 8 and 12% alcohol and the most amazing thing is that consumption of this alcohol will not harm your health but will benefit. For your information, this mango leaf liquor will be effective in preventing diabetes as well as reducing fat and increasing immunity.

Mango ferone is the alcohol of mango leaves, which prevents diabetes. Body fat is low. It also has anti-bacterial properties. Galic acid, paracetin, catichin, epi caitchins do not damage the body's protoxand ascorbic acid increases immunity. It also contains calcium which is beneficial for bones.

It took 45-50 days to make the wine. It is made from the fermentation of glucose, carbohydrates and pepton proteins. JU management is now attempting to sign an MoU of its formula with a company to reach out to the public.

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