Aligarh Muslim University V-C Shah faces protest for attending RSS iftaar
Aligarh Muslim University V-C Shah faces protest for attending RSS iftaar

Aligarh Muslim University vice chancellor Zameer Uddin Shah is putting up a courageous face. As he clarified that, “ his association with the RSS should be viewed as Sir Syed Ahmed Khan's relationship with the British.”

"I will keep all channels open for the benefit of the university.A handful of people on the campus feel that they are the custodians of the university and the Muslim community. I had attended the function because these are the people who can influence matters in favour of AMU," said the V-C.

"Khan had faced criticism for hobnobbing with the British, but his efforts resulted in Muslims emerging from their self-imposed exclusion from the mainstream and the birth of AMU," said Shah.

"Here Indresh Kumar kept on comparing Islam with terrorism and branded the whole community as terrorist. Instead of correcting Kumar, Shah approved of whatever was being said," claimed Prof Zaidi.

On Monday; the iftar party hosted by V-C has been boycotted as the protesters holding their ground firm. Among 2,200 invites only 700 attended it.



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