Amazing Benefits of Lemon will leave you in shock
Amazing Benefits of Lemon will leave you in shock

Lemon is one of the common food items usually used to decorate food items or to make pickles. It is also used to add a sour taste in food but do you know Lemon also has various health benefits? It is one of the highest-nutrition food items in the basket. Besides vitamin C, there are many components in Lemon that help you to solve problems. Along with a boost of vitamin C, it also fills the deficiency of fiber, calcium, thiamin, pantothenic acid, folate, magnesium, and copper. Lemon is best to get rid of various skin, hair and health-related problems. Here are some of the amazing benefits of Lemons.

Protect the Cells: Lemon has Vitamin C that work as an antioxidant, which helps protect cells from damage. Vitamin C also helps your body make collagen for your skin and helps your body absorb iron.

Dental Care:  You can get rid of toothache if fresh lemon juice is applied to the affected area. Lemon also helps to get rid of nicotine stains. Besides, gum bleeding can be stopped by massaging the juice on the gums.

To Keep Apple fresh: When we cut an apple and keep it for some time, it turns black after a while. But if you cut the apple into two parts and apply lemon juice on it. The apple will not turn black.

To get rid of strain: The strains of fruits, colors and other strain Lemon is best,  Just apply it and leave it for some time and wash it. Rubbing lemon is all good to get rid of these strain.

For cleaning Microwave: Cut the slice of lemon and keep them in a bowl. Now put this bowl in the microwave for 5 minutes. By doing this, lemon juice will make steam in the microwave. After this take out the bowl and clean the microwave with a cloth.

To remove dark spots: Take lemon juice in a bowl and put 1 teaspoon of soda in it and mix it well. Now soak cotton in this mixture and rub it on your elbows. By doing this the elbows will become soft.

For Weight Loss: Citric acid is an excellent aid in increasing your metabolism and helps you lose that extra inch easily.

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