Amazing tips to look tall and beautiful!!!
Amazing tips to look tall and beautiful!!!

While there are so many ways you can change the negativity in you – like you can cover up a patch on your face with makeup, straighten or curl your boring hair, you can also dress to look the way you want. Here are some ways petite women can stop complaining about her height and look taller with these simple fashion tips.

Ways to dress to look taller

Monochromic dressing

Add colour to your dressing. Add a colourful clutch and heels to elevate your outfit. This works best with darker colours like black of course but you can also experiment with a deep blue, dark grey, rich mahogany or even a royal magenta. You create a vertical line in anyone’s sight when you wear the same colour throughout your body which makes you look taller.

Go for vertical stripes

Stay away from bold flowers or heavy prints and invest in some zebra stripes. Find clothes with thin vertical stripes which also have the added bonus of a slight slimming effect while also adding to your height.

Go for skinny belts

Use a skinny belt rather that the wide, broad belts. It will make you look taller.


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