Corona is beyond the comprehension of scientists, have no idea how deadly this virus is
Corona is beyond the comprehension of scientists,  have no idea how deadly this virus is

Washington: The crisis of Corona, which is continuously increasing throughout the world, is now taking the form of an epidemic. Even after two months of spreading coronavirus in China, scientists do not find how deadly coronavirus (COVID-19) is. Outside China, this virus is killing people in South Korea, Japan, Iran, Bahrain and Italy, but research is still going on about its lethality. The World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Bruce Ayland, says that you should be prepared for very bad results, until you find a way to stop it.

As of now, it is being said that if we look at the data, up to four percent of the patients in Wuhan, which were the center of this infection, lost their lives due to this infection, while only 0.7 percent of the infected patients died in other parts of China. Experts found that the nature of the attack of Conora virus has changed from one place to another. Experts believe that this is possible due to health facilities and different treatment protocols. Ayelward said that the death rate due to this disease is certainly not high, but people are dying. Another surprising thing has also come to light. People who travel regularly are more likely to get well soon. It has also been found that on average, infected patients recover in two weeks, although severely infected patients can recover in three to six weeks.

For information, let us tell you that in the meantime, due to the arrival of many countries around the world in the grip of Corona, the possibility of a decline in global business is being expressed. Because of Corona, two of the world's largest economies, China and the US are expected to slow down in business, which is sure to affect the whole world. According to a report by research and rating agency Moody's Analytics, the growth rate of the global economy may decline by 0.4 percent this year due to Corona. For the first year 2020, the global growth rate was projected to increase by 2.8 percent, which has now been reduced to 2.4 percent.

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