UN Security Council meeting over North Korea's demands
UN Security Council meeting over North Korea's demands

Washington: Recently the United States called a meeting at the UN Security Council meeting on Monday this week at the risk of North Korean "Provocation" as Pyongyang is seeking to lift the US embargo by the 1-year deadline. The United States, which presides over the Security Council this month, is scheduling sessions instead of a planned meeting on human rights in North Korea, one of the world's most authoritarian states.

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It has been learned that this week's meeting will provide a comprehensive update on the possibility of a recent missile launch in the Korean peninsula and a detailed DPRK provocation. A State Department spokesman made this statement, taking North as its official name, ie the Democratic People's Republic.

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Security Council also met behind closed doors last week to discuss 13 missile tests by North Korea. The meeting was organized by European nations, condemning the actions of North Korea. But the request for a new session shows growing concern over North Korea by the United States. Korea said that there has been a demand by Korea that a new proposal should be introduced by December 31 to resume Washington's nuclear talks.

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