10 Food items that make you look wrinkled
10 Food items that make you look wrinkled

Ageing is a natural process in human life. But very fewer people know that even your food makes you age faster. Throughout their life, people eat food items which are very less beneficial for their health and skin. And now we are telling you about the food items which will make you age faster. Here's check out:

1. Alcohol
Alcohol is the number one food to avoid. Alcohol causes dehydration. Overconsumption of alcohol depletes minerals and fatty acids from your body resultant skin ageing.

2. Sugar
Sugar causes rapid ageing of the body. Consuming too many desserts can ruin your metabolism and can increase cholesterol levels.

3. Salt
Salt dehydrates the body when consumed in excess. Excess salt intake is known to increase your risk of kidney disease, high blood pressure and also is going to make you look worn out and old.

4. Cheap Meat
Cheap meats are high in saturated fat as well as salt content. They are also loaded with preservatives. Fatty meat uses up vitamin C in the body, which affects your immune system.

5. Trans fats
Fast foods are packed with trans fatty acids, which cause blockages within your arteries and results in storage of fat in the body.

6. Wheat
Wheat speeds up the ageing process because it contains a compound called AGEs (Advanced glycation end-products). Overconsumption of wheat can lead to diabetes and cell damage.

8. Energy drinks
Energy drinks contain high levels of caffeine, which is the major reason for dehydration. Sugar is the main ingredient in energy drinks which accelerates the ageing process.

9. Corn-based products
Corn contains high fructose levels which can cause an imbalance of Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids and result in premature ageing.

10. Caffeine
Caffeine acts as a diuretic which causes dehydration and results in wrinkles, fine lines, dullness, and dryness.

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