Bollywood actor Anupam Kher's film One day: Justice Delivery is going to be released. Anupam is going to be an important character in the film and he is busy promoting the film these days. Anupam Kher, a BJP supporter, has met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi. The actor also expressed his feelings by sharing photos during the meeting.
In a photo shared on Twitter by Anupam Kher, he is seen interacting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and sharing this photo, Anupam wrote, "Dear Prime Minister Narendra Modiji, it is a matter of pride to meet you. Your vision for the country assures us and we do it wholeheartedly. Your encouraging things are always a source of energy for me. Hopefully, you will take the country to the heights," he said.
For information, Anupam Kher is openly supporting the BJP on social media. Anupam Kher's wife Kiran Kher is also a BJP MP from Chandigarh. In the Lok Sabha elections 2019, Anupam Kher started his Bollywood career in 1984 through the film Samiksha and is soon to appear in the One day: Justice Delivery.
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