Apply Mascara according to the color of the eyes, will look attractive
Apply Mascara according to the color of the eyes, will look attractive

Women do a lot to look beautiful. Try good makeup too. But makeup is perfect eye mascara. Today, we've come up with makeup-related information that makes your face attractive. Mascara, if done according to the colour of the eyes, adds attractive shape. So let's know which mascara is good for which eyes.

green mascara
Dark brown eyes are so green Mascara looks beautiful. It looks like a blue mascara on all skin-tone skins. If the shadows or eye liners that come with the green mascara are not used, the green mascara emerges more.

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golden mascara
The Golden Mascara looks different if it's to look different at the evening party. It looks extremely beautiful on the eyes of every shed.

brown mascara
So far, you've just applied a black mascara, so you might be hesitant to apply another color. For this, it should start with a brown muscar. It is slightly lighter than black and hence appears natural. It can be applied daily in addition to party function. If the colour of the eyes is brown, you must use this shed.

purple mascara
Purple shade works great if your eyes are small and the eyes want to grow. This shade is full of green, brown, or blue eyes of all sorts. Royal Purple, Plum and Violet Sheds are popular. If your skin is dark, you should choose a purple shade and if you have white skin, you should choose the mascara of the violet shade.

blue mascara
If the eye color is brown or light green, you should have a blue mascara. There are also many shades in blue such as Royal Blue, Navy Blue, C Blue etc. All these shades bloom very much. This shade look more beautiful at night rather than using it during the day.

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