Are you a good teacher ???
Are you a good teacher ???

Teaching is the interesting job one has ever experienced...We meet with many people which are of different category , some students are studious with good concentration , some are naughty with good intellect and some are hard to understand . And it’s difficult to tackle students with complex behavior we need specific communication skills to cop-up with those students. It’s not necessary that what you speak can be understood by the second person thus we have to take over their understanding style in order to communicate with them....To be a good teacher you should garnered some qualities:

1) Teacher should always respect his student:

We are well known to the fact that when terror reaches to its peak it lost all respect. Thus if you think you should be a strict teacher to control your student then you are wrong.

2) You should be humble and polite enough with your students:

Students when ask doubt they expect humble response from your side. So, if you respond rudely they will get scared of asking anything to you next time. It may not affect you but it affects your productivity, productivity to make student brilliant.

3)  You should always maintain accent in your words:

Generally teachers are advised to speak in low voice thus teachers can hire concentration of students , but generally it works only 20% of the chances, you should always maintain intonation, when you will rise your pitch up suddenly student start grasping your words. This always work in holding concentration.

4)  Students always seek a chance, which you should give them:

Generally teachers do not give chance students to put their view forward because then they start interfering, it becomes not so tough to handle. Let them speak till you find it necessary and then you can stop them. So, they could enjoy interacting environment.

5) Never bind them too much:

“We love freedom” . So, we cannot make students feel that they are in the jail , they feel irritated and their mind diverges from studies. This will make you hard to handle students and parental interactions

Good luck !!!!!Do your best ,never miss a chance to be an idol for your students ..... !!!

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