Arqam Cheema - More Than Just A Copywriter
Arqam Cheema - More Than Just A Copywriter

Talent alone won't earn you anything. What matters is how well you sell your skills.

Arqam Cheema is an internationally recognized copywriter, active across all e-commerce platforms. He is a Level 2 seller on Fiverr and has earned a Top-seller badge on Upwork while maintaining a 100% success rate.

Cheema is currently working as a Senior Sales Writer for a reputable SaaS platform, SEMrush. Moreover, he has completed projects with over $1.1M revenue within a few months.

It is safe to say that with just an experience of 4 years, Arqam has already mastered the freelance game.

But how?

How To Be a Success In Freelancing?

Customer conversion is dependent on the right customer conversation.

If you work independently, you must figure out how to attract clients in order to succeed. This can be a challenging task.

Arqam Cheema highlights the importance of human nature, “Behavioural analysis is crucial to succeeding in any field, especially when working online. The key is to learn how to persuade your customers without forcing them.”

He claims the power of a few sentences is all it takes to close a deal of over $2500. Convincing clients by creating urgency is one of the top tactics to encourage a conversion. By building tension during a meeting, you trigger the subtle flight or fight response in your customer.

You will notice that this will often lead to an advantageous conclusion. ‘While you wait, your competitors are earning thousands’ may seem corny, but it works every time, even when closing a deal with high-profile firms.

Another critical aspect of securing projects is your first impression.

“We follow The 5-minute rule in this industry: captivate your client, and they'll immediately hire you," Cheema elaborates on first meetings, “Give your prospects a clear vision of the whole meeting to answer the questions before they are even asked.”

It is difficult to stand out in a sea of candidates; however, it is not impossible. It can be helpful to learn a few of these tips to give yourself an edge over the competition.

Visit Arqam Cheema's Facebook profile to learn his secrets and secure plenty of gigs.

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