New Delhi: A "grand" Ganesh Pujan was announced by the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday evening on the occasion of Ganesh chathurthi, which will be attended by him and his ministers and telecast live from 7 pm, saying the festival is a blend of patriotism and spirituality. Kejriwal, while inviting people to join the event online, said he and his Cabinet colleagues would also be partaking it which will be telecast live from 7 pm.
CM Kejriwal in a tweet said: -"We are organising this grand Ganesh Pujan and I invite all the 130 crore people including Delhiites to join us. There will be a miracle and all our wishes will be fulfilled as 130 crore people will pray Lord Ganesha together. Public programs are not allowed due to Corona, that's why we are getting you a great program on TV’.
The Delhi government has banned public celebrations of the Ganesh Chaturthi festival in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the chief minister invited people to join the live 'arti'. Apart from Kejriwal and other AAm Aadmi Party ministers, singers Shankar Mahadevan and Suresh Wadekar will brace the event. Incidentally, the Delhi Disaster Management Authority has prohibited the celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi at public places and installing idols of Lord Ganesha in pandals, in view of the pandemic outbreak.
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