On June 11, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal along with three other cabinet ministers sat on the dharna in the office of the Deputy Governor. After the hunger strike of Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia and Health Minister Satyendra Jain had been admitted to the hospital due to poor health. In spite of this, Kejriwal and Gopal Rai are sitting on dharna. On Tuesday Kejriwal tweeted that the so many days have passed and LG did not have time to meet them.
Kejriwal tweet, "Good morning Delhi Eight days of the wait to meet Hon’ble LG. Dy CM and UD minister shifted to the hospital due to bad health. Hon’ble LG could not find eight minutes in eight days for the people of Delhi. Hope he finds some time today."
The hearing on Kejriwal's dharna took place in the Delhi High Court on Monday. The court has asked the Aam Aadmi Party government to respond that who gave permission to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his cabinet colleagues to do all this in the office of the Lt Governor.
The court said that the office of the Lieutenant Governor is not a public place. Justice A.K. Chawla and Justice Naveen Chawla's Bench said that if this is a strike, then it should be done somewhere else. Giving the first message of reconciliation, the IAS officers said on Monday that they are ready to discuss the issue of cooperation in the governance of the national capital. IAS Association tweeted that, "Officials welcomed the Chief Minister's appeal. We repeat that we will continue to work with full conviction and strength. We expect concrete intervention for our security and dignity. We are ready to formulate a formal discussion with the Chief Minister on this issue."
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