Asafoetida or hing will fasten your memory power
Asafoetida or hing will fasten your memory power

In Indian cuisine, asafoetida is used as a spice. Most asafoetida is used for tempering in food. Heieng is also very beneficial for health. In Ayurveda, asafoetida has been given a special place. Today we are going to tell you about some health related benefits associated with asafetida. 

1- The power to remember many people is very weak. So eat asafoetida daily. By eating asafoetida, your memory gets faster. 

2- Many times when the hiccup starts, the name of the closure does not take place. In such a way, to get relief from the problem of hiccup, eat a little bit of asafoetida and eat it. By doing this, the problem of your hiccup gets resolved. 

3- Alcohol consumption is also very beneficial for the stomach. If you have any problem related to the stomach, then mix it regularly with a pinch of asafoetida in a glass of warm water in the morning empty stomach. By doing so your stomach is always healthy, as well as your body's immunity power becomes stronger. 

4- If there is any type of infection on your skin, then get rid of this mixture by mixing a little asafoetida in water and make paste. Now place this paste on your skin. By doing this, you will get rid of the problem of skin infections.

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