Asteroid 2024 RN16 Zooms Past Earth Safely at Over 100,000 KMPH Today
Asteroid 2024 RN16 Zooms Past Earth Safely at Over 100,000 KMPH Today

An asteroid named 2024 RN16 is set to make a close approach to Earth today, September 14, 2024, at 08:46 UTC (2:16 PM IST). This space rock, measuring about 110 feet in width and speeding through space at an incredible 104,761 kilometers per hour, will pass within 1.6 million kilometers of our planet.

2024 RN16 belongs to a group of near-Earth objects known as Apollo asteroids. These celestial bodies have orbits that cross Earth’s path around the Sun, making them capable of close encounters with our planet. The group is named after 1862 Apollo, the first discovered asteroid in this category. NASA pays close attention to Apollo asteroids due to their potential to intersect Earth's orbit, which could pose a risk in the future.

If an asteroid the size of 2024 RN16 were to collide with Earth, the results could be devastating. Experts estimate that if the asteroid entered our atmosphere, it would likely explode about 29 kilometers above the surface, releasing energy equal to 16 megatons of TNT. Although this explosion would create a powerful shockwave, it would not result in a direct ground impact. Such events are believed to happen approximately once every 990 years. Thankfully, 2024 RN16 will pass by without causing any harm to Earth.

NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) continuously tracks asteroids and comets, assessing their potential impact risk. Data from observatories worldwide, along with input from amateur astronomers, help monitor these objects' trajectories. The Minor Planet Center compiles this data, while observation programs like Pan-STARRS and NEOWISE provide more detailed insights. Sophisticated planetary radar systems, such as the Goldstone Solar System Radar, are used to fine-tune the accuracy of asteroid tracking.

"With NASA's constant vigilance, Earth remains protected from potential threats posed by space rocks like 2024 RN16," stated a NASA representative.

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