Keeping your liver healthy is a matter of controlling lifestyle factors and eating well. Namely; exercising, establishing a clean diet and reducing exposure to toxins. Though there are many everyday foods you can consume as well as liver cleanse products you can utilize, using herbs to bolster liver health is another way to ensure overall immunity to countless ailments.
Turmeric – This is the root that gives curries their rich yellow hue. Its active component curcumin has considerable anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a great food for detoxing the liver and promoting liver health.
Peppermint – This herb stimulates bile flow and relaxes bile ducts, helping to break down fats. It also helps reduce bad cholesterol, which makes the liver’s job of filtering toxins easier.
Grapefruit – The grapefruit diet is of course extreme and not to be recommended. But there is some logic behind it, as grapefruit is one of the best liver cleansing foods. The high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants in grapefruit can help to eliminate carcinogens.
Garlic – This can benefit your health in various ways, such as preventing cancer and is also well-known for its ability to cleanse the liver. It contains sulphur-containing compounds that activate the enzymes in the liver that removes toxins from the body.
Artichoke Leaves – These provide exceptional regeneration effects in the liver. It stimulates the flow of bile from the liver to the gall bladder where the toxins can be removed.
A garlic a day keeps the doctor away!!!