
1. "Swaraj is my birthright, 

and I shall have it" 


2. "Freedom is my birthright.

 I must have it."


3. Poverty in India is due 

entirely to this rule.


4. It may be providence's will that the

 cause I represent may prosper

more by my suffering than by 

my remaining free.


5. The compilation of hymns into

 Sanhitas also appears to be a work of

 the early part of this period.

6. After all, our Killers are our 



7. If God is put up with untouchability, 

I will not call him God.


8. Our nation is like a tree of

which the original trunk is swaraj

a and the branches are swadeshi 

and boycott. 


9. Life is all about a card game.

Choosing the right cards is 

not in our hands. But playing 

well with the cards in hand 

determines our success.


10. To be successful, you need 

family and friends but, to be 

very successful, you need enemies 

English Shayari

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