Bangalore: 5 year old slip into coma during Finger surgery Parents blame Doctor
Bangalore: 5 year old slip into coma during Finger surgery Parents blame Doctor

It is now just prayers for the parents of five-year-old Lakshya, who has slipped into a coma for the past nine days after being admitted at Mallya Hospital for a mere finger surgery.

Despite being told that it was a minor surgery that would take 20 minutes, it took some two hours for the doctors to come out and tell the parents that the child has slipped into a coma because of weak lungs and heart.

5 year old child admit the Hospital he was very serious slip into coma and family blame the Lakshya's family blames hospital authorities for the child’s condition.

 “The doctors told us that he has some heart complication which is not true. Our son was fine from day one,” said Purushottam, Lakshya's father

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