Beautiful bridal hair accessories for this wedding season!!!
Beautiful bridal hair accessories for this wedding season!!!

The days of only wearing a veil on your hair are over. The beautiful hair accessories are the new trend today and they look so stunning, gorgeous and classy.

Here are some bridal hair accessory ideas


Headbands are very versatile as they can be worn with the hair down, half up or all up. You can ask to have the band wrapped with a ribbon that matches your hair colour if you want it to blend in, or pearls and crystals if you want it to stand out. 

Little flowers

They go well with curly and straight hairstyles. Place the little flowers where they are visually pleasing. Space them evenly and not just in one place, giving it an elegant look.


A small decorative clasp or hair comb. Barrettes are small enough to go in a sleek bridal hairstyle. They also go well with really elaborate hairstyles.


Tiaras look great with an all up hairstyle or a half up hairstyle too.

Hair pins

Hair pins are more understated and can be worn towards the back of the head, especially if you choose prominent jewellery. They can be interspersed into a bun, chignon or Grecian-style plait for some subtle sparkle.

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