Beautiful Love Shayari
Beautiful Love Shayari

1.True love is a glimpse of heaven. 

It is inspiring and uplifting just like you


2.If you live to be a hundred, 

I want to live to be a hundred minus one day 

so I never have to live without you


3.Here is my heart, it is yours so take it,

Treat it gently, please do not break it.

Its full of love that’s good and true,

So please keep it always close to you


4.You are the inspiration behind all that I do, 

and the source of all that is good in my life


5.You’re always the first and the last thing on this heart of mine. 

No matter where I go, or what I do, I’m thinking of you


6.You are the reason I wake up with a smile every morning. 

You are the secret to my peaceful nights


7. I’m the heart, you are the heartbeat,

I’m the breath, you are the oxygen,

I’m the body, you are the soul,

we are two bodies, one soul


8. The best thing

I’ve done in my life is love you.

The best gift

I’ve received in my life is your love.

And the best thing

that has ever happened to me is you.

I love you


9. I want to be with you Only two times

Now & Forever


10. It makes me sad that you

are not here but whenever 

I want to see you I just close my eyes

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