If you use moisturizer in winter, then know these important tips
If you use moisturizer in winter, then know these important tips

Moisturizer is most used in winter. But are you aware of its use? How to use and where to use moisturizer? When choosing a moisturizer, what should be taken care of? These are some of the questions that you must know about. Apart from this, it is also important to know what kind of moisturizer is better for which skin. How to apply a moisturizer to your skin is also important. So let's know these things to know before using the moisturizer.

These mistakes related to moisturizer should not be done in winter, know here

- Apply the moisturizer in dots with the help of fingers, followed by massaging it in round direction. This will give skin a glow and shine.

- If the moisturizer has SPF property, it will be even better, it will also give you sun protection.

-When the moisturizer should be applied is also the biggest question. According to beauty experts, whenever you clean your skin, you should apply it. 

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- Never apply moisturizer without cleaning the skin. Applying moisturizer on dirt and dull skin can also cause pimples.

- To avoid the problem of skin, firstly choose the right beauty products is necessary. Every human's skin is different. Use moisturizer as per your skin.

-If your skin is oily then you should apply oil free or normal moisturizer. If your skin is dry then oil based moisturizer should be used.

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